Move Realty is a registered COVID-SAFE Business

Move Realty is a registered COVID-SAFE Business. The safety of our Customers, Staff and Guests are our number 1 priority and as such, we would like to extend our gratitude for your continued patience, understanding and cooperation in this pandemic period.

To ensure your safety, we ask that you follow our COVID-Safe guidelines within the office and at Open-Home/Inspection sites. Please maintain a safe social distance of 1.5m from other patrons and use the hand sanitisers which are available at the locations.

Move Realty is committed to our COVID Safe Management Plan and will continue to execute our strategies currently in place to maintain the highest possible standard of hygiene and cleanliness.

We look forward to deliver the five-star service as always.

– Team at Move Realty

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The pace of home price falls has eased in recent months, with the housing market downturn losing... Disaster funding has been

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