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In the past, selling a property of any sort was a hassle. Homeowners were limited when it came to selling their homes. Today, we have the Internet which has overturned the process. With digital databases, online marketing and a better understanding of the market, Move Realty assist in selling and renting properties, giving power to the sellers and owners.  

Move Realty has brought together some of the most common ways to sell your home.  


You do not pay any fees when selling your house privately. However, selling your home would need to be managed with advertising, arranging open homes and inspections, pricing of your property and meetings with buyers yourself, whilst also organising contracts and funds. If you already know someone is interested in buying your home, this is a good option, however, it might not be the right option.  

Through a traditional Real Estate Agent

A real estate agent can take care of selling your property; marketing, pricing, arranging times with potential buyers, open homes and inspections. They can also make the process smoother when it comes to managing funds and contracts. Real estate agents are normally paid a small percentage between 0.75% and 5% of the final sale price as commission.  

Through an online estate agent

Recent times have shown that the easiest and most convenient way to sell your home is online. Online agents can make the process cheaper and quicker by listing your home on hundreds of websites. Online agents are a lot cheaper as they don’t have to pay for a high street presence.  

At Auction

Property auctions have significantly cut out the hassle when it comes to the process of selling your property. Auction is a very popular choice. The buyer is legally obliged to pay up as soon as the hammer falls. The downside is you could sell your house for a lot less than what you hoped for. But with the atmosphere of the auction, it could go either way.  

To a specialist cash buyer

There is a range of specialist cash buyer businesses online that buy your home outright. But they may offer you less than the current market value of your home.  


Are you thinking of selling your property in Sydney? Your ideal buyer is out there somewhere and Move Realty will help you find them! 


Today, everyone’s search starts online. Explore the different ways to sell your house fast with Move Realty, your local real estate agency.  

Call us or contact us at 02 9631 1101 or 0410 066 578 for our professional Real Estate Services.  

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